Workshop: Sculptural Fine-Art Nudes with Denisa Strakova (7th August 2017)

Sculptural Fine-Art Nudes with Denisa Strakova - a Photo Workshop by Dr Colin Vickers


Location: Studio Vickers. Richtergasse 1A/3, 1070 Wien

Time: Monday 7th August 19:00-22:30

Photographer Level: Any

Requirements: A camera with a hotshoe and a lens between 50-85mm (85mm is perfect)

Language: English
Participants: Minimum 2/Maximum 8

Price: €200

Book here:


Denisa Strakova is a world-class model and a legend in the nude-photography scene and has worked with some of the finest photographers in the world (see below for photos or check out her webpage:

It is a great honour to have her in my studio again and we will be concentrating on a similar style to last time focusing on sculptural nude poses and going through a series of different lighting and setups.

the preliminary plan is as follows:

19:00-19:30 Arrival and refreshments at the studio

Drinks and snacks will be available as participants gather at the studio.

19:30-22:30 Shooting

During shooting, we will use a selection of different lighting setups and explain what poses work in this style and how to pose the model.
Each participant will get the chance to work with the model with each lighting setup.

After the shoot, we will head across to the bar across the road where there are good food and drinks available.

Book here:

Photos from my last workshop with Denisa:

Book here: