Portrait Evening – 22nd FebPortrait Evening – 22nd Feb

On Saturday 22nd February, I will have an open-evening portrait shoot at my studio (Richtergasse 1A/3, 1070 Wien) where I will use my classic sepia lighting as seen at http://art.colinvickers.com/portraits2013 . Women of ages between 18-30 are welcome to attend (no cost involved).

The shooting will be between 17:00 and 21:00 with a little party afterwards. If you want to stay for the party, please bring a bottle.

Models will need to do their own makeup. There is a makeup area in the studio but it’s best if you do it before you come (but please bring your makeup with you in case we need to touch it up).
Models will also need to sign a release form that gives me the rights to use the photos. I’ll try to make the photos available to the models within a week after the shoot.

Preferably models should wear darker colours and bring a selection of different jewelry.


Sign up at: https://www.facebook.com/events/469309103191730/










DrColinVickers-20130216-8888-3On Saturday 22nd February, I will have an open-evening portrait shoot at my studio (Richtergasse 1A/3, 1070 Wien) where I will use my classic sepia lighting as seen at http://art.colinvickers.com/portraits2013 . Women of ages between 18-30 are welcome to attend (no cost involved).

The shooting will be between 17:00 and 21:00 with a little party afterwards. If you want to stay for the party, please bring a bottle.

Models will need to do their own makeup. There is a makeup area in the studio but it’s best if you do it before you come (but please bring your makeup with you in case we need to touch it up).
Models will also need to sign a release form that gives me the rights to use the photos. I’ll try to make the photos available to the models within a week after the shoot.

Preferably models should wear darker colours and bring a selection of different jewelry.


Sign up at: https://www.facebook.com/events/469309103191730/









